Saturday, November 8, 2014

Final Stop: Junior Giving Circle

My final stop as Miss Staten Island was a return visit to the Junior Giving Circle at IS 75. The Junior Giving Circle is basically the junior high school version of the Staten Island Giving Circle. This group works hard on multiple philanthropic projects throughout the school year. I was happy to visit them for the second time this year to speak about our mutual love of volunteer work and my personal platform.
Though it was a quick visit (the group only meets for about an hour each week), it was definitely an enjoyable one. I learned so much about the students' work and what they are passionate about. These kids are our future leaders and are already incredible volunteers in our community. As always, it was also a pleasure for to be able to share my knowledge on my platform. I took the time to take individual pictures, just as last time, and made sure to get a group shot in, too!
Who knows - maybe we had a Miss Staten Island mixed into the bunch (Sorry, boys...)! Thank you, Samantha Cooper Pettinato, for having me back. Keep on leading this amazing team. I know they are going to follow your amazing example!

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